Thought leaders from design industry join a series of Roundtable Conference organised by ATLAS
The leading minds and practitioners from the design industry came together to discuss ‘Transforming Roles in Design’ in a series of roundtable conferences organised by ATLAS SkillTech University across 3 cities- Mumbai, Bangalore and Hyderabad. Over 50 leading organisations and 200 thought leaders from across the country participated in the round table interactions on how can Academia & Industry transform the roles that every stakeholder has to play to adapt to the constantly changing VUCA world and preserve the quality of talent entering the Design fraternity.
The participants also engaged in SCRUM activity that probed discussions and encouraged conversations around the following 3 themes:
– The VUCA Nature of Design – How has your work changed over the past few years and where is it headed towards?
– Blueprint for Young Talent – What skills are relevant today and will be in the future for young talent joining your teams?
– Collaborative Transformation – How should Academia and Industry collaborate to transform the Design Industry?

Based on the ideas, insights, perspectives and wisdom from this series, a white paper will be generated so that ATLAS SkillTech University’s new curricular framework is attuned to the right student skill sets required for the successful professional careers in the Industry. The framework is expected set new benchmarks and play a crucial role in redefining design education in the 21st century.