
Dr Rahat Munir from Macquarie Business School (Australia) conducts Faculty Development Program at ATLAS

Dr Rahat Munir from Macquarie Business School (Australia) conducts Faculty Development Program at ATLAS
  • PublishedSeptember 29, 2022

With a focus on creating and emphasising learner-centred teaching, faculty development lies at the heart of ATLAS. The curricula of various programs at ATLAS are updated regularly to keep pace with the changing demands of the industry. Hence it becomes imperative to provide our faculty members with the right opportunities to upgrade their skills to meet the current industry/student expectations. Our latest faculty development session on ‘The art of writing & publishing a top research article’ conducted by Dr Rahat Munir, HoD of Accounting & Corporate Governance, Macquarie Business School, Australia offered wonderful insights into written communication in academia, improving writing skills, kinds of writing, strategies and advice on submitting an article for publication.